Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Ninety Nine Names of Allah : Part 15

Please learn accurate pronunciation of The Names of Allah.


The Aware : He who has knowledge of the most secret parts of everything, and knows their inner meanings.
He who has a bad habit which he does not like, and continuously repeats this Name (YA-KHABIR) will be quickly freed from this habit.


The Forbearing One : He who is clement.
If one writes this Name (YA-HALIM) on a piece of paper, and puts it where his seed is sown, no harm, disaster or calamity will befall his crop.


The Great One : He who is magnificent.
Those who repeats this Name (YA-AZIM) many times will be respected.


The All-Forgiving : He who forgives all.
He who has a headache, fever, and is despondent, who continuously repeats this Name (YA-GHAFUR) will be relieved of his ailment.


The Appreciative : He who is grateful and gives rewards for deeds done for Him.
He who has a heavy heart, and repeats this Name (YA-SHAKUR) 41 times, breathes into a glass of water, then washes his face with this water, his heart will lighten, and he will be able to maintain himself.


Sandra said...

Very interesting do these work?

Sandra said...

Could you please send me all the names in an e-mail. I've gone a copied some of your intries of the Ninty-nine names of Allah. I find this very interesting. Allah if I may wants to help us. He loves us very much do you think so? I will earse this entry or you can after you get the e-mail.